Get Glowing

Having bright, comfortable, and blemish-free skin is something that is very important to me (and most likely you to0). It let's me know that all systems are working well, and that I am living a balanced life. And, let's be honest, it allows me to face the world knowing people are talking to me, and not to my blemishes!

For nearly 10 years I fought chronic cystic acne. I bought into a very popular celebrity endourced 3-step skin care line. It subdued the acne, while drying out my skin, making it more prone to sun damage, and ruining my pillow cases and towels. I knew I had to treat the cause of my acne, but I couldn't pinpoint the real problem(s).

No more piling on the make-up and hiding behind the camera for this girl.

As I became more aware of having a mean clean and green diet and lifestyle, this was one area where I couldn't win the battle. I tried keeping food diaries and iliminating foods like almonds or soy. This I found most annoying because for many years I have been plant-based and an avid exerciser. I would see people eating fast-food who had perfect skin and I would want to scream! I tried expensive organic spas and skin care lines (you name it, I bought it). And I would always go crawling back in tears, feeling totally defeated, to the harsh chemicals.

This was until January 2012. I signed up for the Health Coach Training Program at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and I knew this was it. If I was going to council people on a holistic lifestyle, I would need to be 100% real in my life. So, I continued to troll the internet looking for new articles, hints, tips, and personal stories. I learned about the Oil Cleaning Method and about the benefits of plenty of healthy fats in the diet. This was it!

You don't have to look far or spend lots of $$$ to have a healthy, glowing complexion!

My skin has never looked better! I am so happy I have finally been able to address the issues and feed my skin, both internally and externally. I am saving money, and looking and feeling more confident than ever! I would love to chat with you about your skin concerns. Click on the "Connect" tab to reach out!

And my gift to you, to get you inspired to start making changes today, this free guide to Healthy Skin!


I look forward to hearing from you and thank you for sharing in my journey.