
Diets and Bio-individuality (Say What?!)

Posted on February 13, 2014



It has been far too long and I will spare you my diatribe about why I haven't been writing as I often as I think about writing ;)


If you subscribe to my newsletter, thank you! If not, what are you waiting for?! Fill out this little sidebar to your right and don't miss another Feel-Good Guide! As I was saying, if you receive my newsletter, you would have seen that February featured a book recommendation, "Grain Brain". I have received a lot of inquiry from readers to share more of my thoughts on this, so here it goes!

Eating on the Road

Posted on November 10, 2013

If you find it difficult to adhere to certain lifestyle choices and habits while away from home, this post is for you!

In the past, I found a big source of stress for me was being away from my comfort zone, and overly obsessed with strict rules and labels (both of myself and the nutritional kind).

I am now in a place where I feel confident enough to stand strong at times of temptation, especially around family or strangers when I feel pressure, or feel like the odd one out. I also am comfortable enough with myself that I know I can have a piece of wedding cake and not fall completely off the wagon.

This takes time, practice, and awareness to honor your choices. It takes knowing the difference between quality and quantity, and knowing you are worth taking one more lap around the airport to make a choice on what to eat, before settling for something less than nutritious.

We've had a memorial service and two weddings in the last 6 weeks, so being out of our routine and comfort zone is something we have become pros at!

No Meat Athlete Book Signing

Posted on October 25, 2013

I have been following Matt Frazier of “No Meat Athlete” fame on his blog (via his newsletter) for a few years. I find it very helpful, supportive, and inspiring to surround myself with like-minded people, even if the world wide web is a (partial) source of that community.

When Matt announced he was writing a book I was thrilled! (And admittedly, a little envious). I have been working at turning that energy into a catalyst, using these fellow men (and women) as examples that I too can create whatever I wish around my lifestyle and knowledge through my passion and experience. They are living proof it is possible!

I read the list of cities that would be a part of the book tour and was happy to see New York made the cut! So I rsvp'd and put this important date on the calendar.

A Great Ride

Posted on August 19, 2013

Try to imagine the good vibes and freedom from judgement at a music festival. The high-energy and adrenaline rush of a mosh pit. The best night out at a club with your friends. A muscle burning, sweat pouring workout session. Throw in a bike, some candles, and a brilliant business model and you have Soul Cycle!

I have been wanting to take a class at one of their locations for years. I have taken maybe a half-dozen spin classes since I first attended one in college (ehem, nearly 10 years ago), then found the bike again at a friend's gym as a way to cross train for a marathon 2 years ago. Soul Cycle's inspiring story and mission made me want to check out their version.

Out of fear, hesitation, procrastination, cost, and the list of excuses we tell ourselves, I had yet to go. Until today (Yes!)

Going Without - An Inspired Zen Habit

Posted on July 30, 2013

I've been inspired by Leo Babuta of Zen Habits. He is practicing “The Year of Living Without” where each month he gives up one of his habits. You can read about it here and here. I loved the idea of it, but I didn't think I would want to do it. I like to think I live a pretty balanced life where I make the right choices 90% of the time. Why cut something out 100%? Turns out, there are lots of reasons to do just that.

Perspective is Everything

Posted on June 24, 2013

Perspective is everything.

It dictates your day, your life, your moment to moment experiences. It colors your world.

Today was the epitome of me and my life experiences. I was riding high on cloud nine after taking the leap and placing a deposit on my wedding dress (!!!). After no more than 10 minutes of smiles and hugs and signing on the dotted line, my friend and I stepped out on to the sunny sidewalk to see the skeleton of my brand new bike, sans front wheel, back wheel, seat, and seat pole. Ugh! Seriously? Can I not have my moment of glory? My jaw hit the ground.

Before panic, anger, sadness, pity, etc, could take over, I looked at my friend, and I took a deep breath (per her instruction), and I started to count my blessings. This wasn't going to spoil my day. At least I wasn't on the bike and in an accident. At least they didn't take the whole bike. At least I wasn't alone. And goddamn it, I just found my wedding dress! I wasn't going to let someone take that moment from me.

My First International Marathon

Posted on May 13, 2013

My fiancee and I have made the promise to each other to take one great trip a year (outside of visiting family in Florida and Massachusetts). After Barcelona last year, we decided Italy was next. I visited with family first in 2005, and returned a year later to spend a semester in Florence. I was so excited to share my home away from home with Tyler.

Fast forward to the ING NYC Marathon Expo November, 2012. Perusing the exhibition stalls and vendors, we come across a booth for the Milan Marathon. "Hmm...", I begin to think. "What if we go to Italy in April so I can run a marathon?" Not a bad way to start to a vacation off right,  if you ask me!

A Cheat Sheet

Posted on May 5, 2013

During a recent health coaching session, a client mentioned how she wants to add more variety to her meals, but feels confused and overwhelmed by "which foods are which" and "what is missing". I wrote this to help clarify and simplfy!



Plants- It is what gives them shape and allows them to stand up tall! It is what provides crunch (an no, potato chips do not count)

Fruits (strawberries, apples)

Take a Break From It All

Posted on April 19, 2013

There is a great opportunity to disengage yourself from the onslaught of our media.

With so much bad news being shared and transmitted through various channels, we need to reset and switch our focus.


There is a lot of good in the world too. Sadly, that doesn't sell newspappers or pay for big advertising.


I encourage you to turn off the TV tonight. Log off Facebook and put down your phone. Write, meditate ( is an awesome FREE resource for simple guided 10 minute meditation), or read a book.


If you find colleagues at work spending too much time harping on the negative, or forming opinions you may not agree with, try and guide the conversation elsewhere.


Take time to do this daily. We have forgotten how to think and feel on our own. We are quick to agree with a newsreporter or "share" or "like" the views we see expressed on Facebook.


It is important to support each other during these trying times. The best way to do so is to be grateful for our blessings and celebrate life!

A Runner's Favorite Foods

Posted on March 10, 2013


When you begin a regular exercise routine, you will start to notice how much your diet affects how you feel before, during, and after activity. We are what we eat! Balance in this area of your life is key: you cannot have true health and wellness by eating packaged fast foods and exercising or by eating super clean whole foods and sitting on your butt all day. We need both to thrive!

Tapping into the connection between what we eat and how we feel is so important in our daily lives as well, even without a strenuous training schedule. Do have co-workers who are tired and jittery in the morning, then sleepy and distracted after lunch? Most people don't draw the lines between diet, energy, and mood.

Making good choices while shopping makes it easier to prepare snacks and meals that fuel your mind, body, and spirit.

But back to running :)

